How CBD Oil Helps Your Maltese Dog Breed


Many Maltese owners have discovered the many benefits of CBD for their furry friend, and frankly, it’s not just Maltese owners, but a lot of other breed owners too. CBD may respond differently to some breeds, but generally, it works as how it would any other breed.

An article by Consumer Reports has stated how CBD may benefit a canine body. Take note though that despite the claims of how safe it is, there are still proper doses to follow depending on your pet’s weight and size. You may read the full article here:

Although it has become a household name in just under 3 years, it’s still shrouded by rumors as it was 5 or 10 years ago. Rumors that can’t be debunked because of a severe lack of scientific research. Three years isn’t enough to gather substantial studies after all, not with some restrictions still in place despite the legalization last 2018. Still, in time, we hope that CBD will be studied thoroughly and enough and even cover its unique effects for your Maltese dog.

What Is CBD?

CBD is also known officially as Cannabidiol, and it’s one of the most known compounds found in cannabis species. It is present in great numbers in hemp while having little to no presence in marijuana, hence, the reason why hemp is the main source for many CBD-derived products. There are other differences between CBD and marijuana’s star cannabinoid THC, which is of great importance to have a general knowledge of.

THC—or better known as Tetrahydrocannabinol— is another well-known cannabinoid found in the cannabis species. It is the culprit for getting users high, thus, marijuana was considered a schedule 1 substance because of it. A schedule 1 substance means it is illegal (in some states) and cannot be used in any product (in those states). It is also important to note that this compound is poisonous to canines and other animals as well.

In comparison, Cannabidiol is non-psychoactive, meaning it cannot cause a user to get high whilst ingesting/inhaling it. It only gives the benefits and relief without posing a danger like an overdose or addiction. Furthermore, it is proven to be safe for Maltese breeds (check additional reading here) and has been used by many Maltese owners for their aches and pains. It is proven that cannabidiol can help alleviate the many symptoms of many illnesses, such as inflammation from a broken bone, pain from the joints, nausea, vomiting, and even insomnia.

It is of most importance to check the label as well as the website of the product you are using. You should be checking for two things there: A Certificate of Analysis and 3rd party lab testing. The former makes sure that the formula used has enough cannabinoid count to be effective. The latter makes sure the formula is pure, without any contaminants like THC. It is imperative to check around or ask the company itself, for the safety of your pets.

How CBD Can Help Dogs

Arthritis in Dogs

A study shows that dogs suffering from arthritis can have a measure of relief after ingesting cannabidiol. According to the researcher’s findings, increased comfort and activity have been found after taking the product when previously the subjects cannot even stand or walk for long. The result is a significant increase in activity and reduced pain manifested by inactivity, whining, and visible discomfort.

Epilepsy in Dogs

Epilepsy in dogs is not uncommon, but it can be quite severe. Some conditions can’t be cured but managed, and that itself can’t even assure the owner of a 100% epilepsy-free life. Although cannabidiol cannot promise the same, many studies show that 89% of dogs with epilepsy within their test subjects have reduced seizure attacks by half, and the intensity and duration shorter than before they took the product detox of south florida.

Atopic Dermatitis In Dogs

Another common disease is atopic dermatitis, which almost half of the canine population suffers from. Cannabidiol, either topical or oral, works as an antibacterial and immunity booster, helping your canine’s body fight against atopic dermatitis and its rebounds if not treated well. After 56 days of a study just done this June 2020, the symptoms measured by a CADESI-4 model had significantly lowered so much it was considered a great potential on cannabidiol’s part.

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