How Jogging Can Increase The Life Expectancy


Scientists claim that jogging prolongs human life. But several conditions must be met. Jogging should be regular and movement should be moderate. Active running puts additional stress on the heart, which is useless. Even running for an hour, with weekly regularity, give amazing results.

Benefits Of Regular Jogging

For the male and female body, jogging is equally beneficial. It actively uses the external muscles. Their work closely interacts with the internal organs, the nervous system (central, autonomic).

As a result, classes lead to:

  • Weight loss
  • Increasing the body’s endurance
  • Improving the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Activation of blood circulation
  • Strengthening the heart muscle and increasing the volume of the heart
  • Strengthening the walls of small and large vessels
  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Strengthening metabolic processes in the cells of the body
  • Strengthening immune forces, hardening the body;
  • Saturation of cells and tissues with oxygen
  • Relief from hormonal changes (menopause)
  • Strengthening the endocrine system
  • Increase in life expectancy.

Regular exercise helps to normalize blood pressure, improve the condition with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Thus, shuffling runs involves the entire body.

Positive dynamics are observed not only in muscle tissues but also in the functional state and psyche. Many rehab centres realize this and added jogging and exercising as part of their alcohol recovery programs, for increasing the probability of successful treatment.

Slimming Benefits

Shuffling running is considered a good help if you want to lose those extra pounds. But how much to run: To get results, you will have to run 3 times a week with a duration of 45-50 minutes. Long sessions lead to fatigue.

Jogging not only helps to fight cellulite and excess weight, but it also helps to tighten the skin and gives the muscles tone and mass.

How Many Calories Does Running Burn

  • Jogging consumes up to 400-500 kcal for an hour of running.
  • When running on the spot, up to 400-500 kcal/hour is burned.
  • When hiking – up to 200-250 kcal.
  • When running uphill – up to 600-700 kcal per hour of running.

Average numbers are given. Burning calories is different for everyone. It depends on the duration of the session, the pace of movement, the correctness of the training.

How To Jog Properly?

There are several recommendations using which you can achieve a quick effect.

1- Think About Your Health

Before any physical activity, it is important to remember your health. The existing chronic problems in the body can not only reduce all efforts to zero but also add troubles. Therefore, if you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor. Is it not harmful?

If you know that you are healthy, then during the exercise you need to monitor two indicators: blood pressure and heart rate. Measure your heart rate before and after running, morning and evening. Your heart rate should only increase while you are running.

Blood pressure should be measured at least once a day. There should normally be a difference of about 40 units between the upper and lower pressure.

2- Warm Up Your Muscles Before Running

You should do some muscle-warming exercises before jogging. For example, 5 simple exercises:

  • Hand rotations (circular). 4 times back and forth. Perform such approaches 7-8 times.
  • Throwing out the left hand forward, and the right-back (repeat 8 times). Then change hands.
  • Run in place, raising your knees as high as possible (15-20 seconds).
  • Running in place with pulling the lower leg to the buttocks (15-20 sec.)
  • Running with stretching straight legs forward (10-15 seconds).

Exercise helps you get into the rhythm of your run faster. The second exercise activates the nerve cells. An energy supplement before the exercise is also recommended to build up your stamina, and help avoid fatigue after a long run, information borrowed from

3- Running Technique

The jogging technique is light, somewhat reminiscent of stamping in one place. If the speed changes, the stride length increases accordingly. The shoulders should be straight and the body upright. The foot should be placed on the ground, either with the entire foot or rolling it from heel to toe. Everyone finds a more convenient option for themselves.

Watch your shoulder line as you run. It should be straight. It will put stress on the spine (lumbar), and pain may appear after exercise. Elbows should be pressed to the body, arms bent at the elbows, hands in a fist. When running, arms with bent elbows move forward intensively.

Jogging is not a job. It should bring joy, a surge of strength, and energy. In the absence of a surge of strength, the pace should be reduced.

4- Monitor Your Pulse And Breathing

Pulse and respiration readings can signal the body’s response to stress. If these indicators change sharply, then the pace of training can be slightly reduced. The pulse must first increase.

If the load is moderate, then soon it will decrease slightly. This is a normal reaction of the body. What should be the pulse? When running for health, the pulse should be kept in the range of 120-140 beats per minute.

The respiration rate changes with the pulse. The normal breathing rate is one inhalation and exhalation in 4 steps. In trained people, the respiratory rate decreases – one inhalation and exhalation follows by 6 steps.

5- Choose Comfortable Shoes

The right footwear will help you get the most out of your run. It is most convenient to have sneakers on your feet. There must be a shock-absorbing sole. It creates a springy effect, promotes grip on the ground, and protects joints from damage from impact force upon landing.

When choosing sneakers, pay attention to the weight of the shoe, it should not exceed 0.5 kg. It is much better if their sole is of helium material. You can do jogging only after a light snack.

Running on a stomach full or hungry is not good. Food should be rich in essential minerals and vitamins. Bring water with you, and drink before running, during jogging, and after.

Final Words

Jogging can help you live longer as your body stays fit. By following the above correct method of jogging you can be sure of becoming fitter, healthier, and live longer.

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