5 Important Things to Know Before Shipping a Car

5 Important Things to Know Before Shipping a Car: If you are planning to ship your car, there are certain things that you need to consider.

5 Important Things to Know Before Shipping a Car

If you are planning to ship your car, there are certain things that you need to consider. Shipping a car can be a problematic task if you do not have the right resources. Follow through this article to learn some pointers before you ship your car.

Five Important Things to Know Before Shipping a Car

Below are five essential tips to consider before car shipment.

1. Select a Transportation Method.

Selecting the correct transportation way for your car is important. You can select from either an open trailer or an enclosed trailer method. In the open trailer, vehicles are exposed to the open air conditions, so the vehicles are prone to dust storms and rain. Also, vehicles in open car carriers are secured using chains that could damage your car’s exterior.

However, in enclosed trailers, vehicles are surrounded by secure walls. Moreover, the vehicles are fastened with nylon straps and nets to ensure protection. Open carriers are less costly but riskier than closed carriers which are expensive but safer.

2. Be Aware of Transport Brokers.

When selecting a company that provides shipment quotes, you must know what broker they will assign you. Brokers are intermediaries between you and the company. Brokers provide services like sales, negotiations, and overall communication.

 To solve this, you will have to select a company carefully. You can ask your experienced friends and family to suggest a suitable company. Also, you can see reviews on different companies websites. It will help you decide on the right company for shipping a car quote and other services.

3. Do Not Give a Down Payment.

It is risky to give a deposit to companies for your car shipment. When you choose a company to ship your car, make sure it does not require a deposit. A well-known company always demands payment after the shipment is completed, so be aware of scams.

4. Mention Necessary Information

You must put in your vehicle details to calculate shipment quotes. If you are satisfied with the charges, you will confirm the offer. Before confirmation, you should provide certain information to the company. You need to state the time of collecting your car and know the expected arrival time. Communicate any additional requirements like door-to-door service so the company is prepared.

5. Prepare Your Car Before Shipping.

Perform certain necessary tasks before the shipping process. Remove any important files and unnecessary items present inside your car. Get your gas tanks filled so your car can be driven for loading and unloading purposes. Also, get any necessary repairs that could be problematic during the transportation.

What Necessary Pointers to Observe

Here are some pointers that you should consider before the shipment process.

Total Shipments Costs

Make sure to understand all costs charged for your car shipment. When you are about to confirm the shipment, ask about any additional costs you must pay. Sometimes, companies tend to hide costs that are revealed after your shipment is completed. It is safer to have the full fee known so you do not have to pay more than you thought to pay.

Be Available at Pick-Up and Drop-Off.

You must be present for pick-up and delivery to examine your vehicle. You will be required to sign the paperwork, so you must inspect your vehicle for satisfaction before signatures.

Ensure Good Quality Service.

Spending less money on shipping your car might not be a wise choice. Your car can suffer damage or be stolen if you do not make the right choice when choosing a good company. Make sure to review everything before selecting a company.

Preparation of Your Car

As mentioned above, it is essential to get your car ready for transportation. Here are some ways you can do that.

Note Down Previous Damage.

Deep-cleaning your car will let you assess it better. If there are any dents or scratches, they will be declared in the documents.

Snap Some Pictures

Take photos of your car’s condition from multiple angles. It is crucial to recognize how it looks before and after the transportation. You can contact your dealer if there is any damage to the vehicle.

Perform Maintenance

Inflate your car tires properly. If required, get oil changes, battery replacement, and other vital things useful for transportation.


As you transport your car to another place via shipping, take care of the things mentioned above. The shipment will be hassle-free if you ensure to opt for the right company. You will be tension free if you follow these tips.

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