How Can Food Handlers Reduce Bacteria? 3 Tips

How to Unleash Your Inner Foodie This Summer

Are you aware of the secret to safe food handling?

If people fail to practice proper food handling methods and the food is contaminated by bacteria, there’s a chance that everyone will get sick.

Food handlers play a crucial role in preventing foodborne illnesses. But how can food handlers reduce bacteria?

As long as everyone follows a few general rules, food will be safer for everyone who eats. Whether you’re a home cook or a professional chef, keep reading for our three top tips for safe food handling.

1. Proper Hand Hygiene

Bacteria are a major concern in food safety, and it is important for food handlers to take proper measures to reduce their presence. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food. Make sure to wash your hands after using the restroom and touching your face or hair.

Wash your hands after handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood. Use disposable paper towels or air dryers to dry your hands. Avoid using cloth towels, which can harbor bacteria.

If you have any cuts, sores, or skin infections on your hands or wrists, cover them with a waterproof bandage. Furthermore, wear disposable gloves while handling food.

2. Safe Food Handling Practices

In commercial food sanitation, it is essential to ensure food safety. Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw meats, poultry, and seafood. This will prevent cross-contamination. Clean and sanitize these items after each use.

Cook food to their recommended safe internal temperatures. Use a food thermometer to ensure accurate cooking. Bacteria like E. coli and salmonella are killed at higher temperatures. Also, avoid touching your face, hair, and any other surfaces while preparing food.

Refrigerate perishable foods promptly at or below 40°F (4°C). Keep the refrigerator clean and organized to prevent cross-contamination and ensure proper air circulation.

3. Sanitization and Cleaning

Food handlers must pay close attention to sanitization and cleaning practices. Clean and sanitize all food contact surfaces, such as countertops, cutting boards, and utensils, with hot, soapy water after each use.

Sanitize cooking surfaces and utensils using an appropriate food-safe sanitizer or bleach solution. Make sure to follow manufacturer guidelines for dilution.

Regularly clean and sanitize kitchen equipment, including slicers, mixers, and can openers. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water before use, even if you plan to peel them. This is to remove dirt and any surface bacteria.

By following these tips, food handlers can help keep their workplace environment clean and safe for both themselves and their customers.

Learning How Can Food Handlers Reduce Bacteria

How can food handlers reduce bacteria? It can be done by following these three simple tips proper hand washing, safe food handling, and cleaning and sanitizing. Food handlers can significantly reduce the risk of bacteria in their food.

Take the responsibility to keep your customers safe and healthy by implementing these practices in your daily routines. Start taking action now!

If you find these tips on food hygiene helpful, check out some of our other blog posts today!

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