9xflix and filmymeet are the best movie & drama websites to watch free movies. You can get access to thousands of new movies and TV shows for free with just one click on the button below.
How to download new movies from 9xflix?
1. Open the safari browser
Open Safari Browser and go to 9xflix.online
You can also use other browsers like Chrome or Firefox to access the site
If you are using the Google Chrome browser, you will see a warning that the site is not secure. This is because of an invalid certificate. You can ignore this warning and continue browsing or click on “Proceed to xfling” and continue with your surfing for free.
2. Open 9xflix.online
If you’re using a desktop or laptop computer, click the 9xflix link to open the website in your browser. If you’re on a mobile device, tap and hold on to the link until it changes into an option to open in a new tab or window, and then tap that option instead of clicking directly at this step (if this doesn’t happen automatically). You will be redirected to the 9xflix website where you can watch movies for free!
3. Click + icon in the middle of the page
Now you’re on a page that allows you to search for movies or series, as well as filter them by genre and language. You can also click on any movie or series to see more information about it (like its release year), but we recommend starting with our default option — “All Movies” — since this will give us access to every movie currently available on 9XFlicks!
4. Click Add to the home screen
The + icon is in the middle of the page, so all you have to do is click on it and then choose a name for your new movie. You’ll be prompted to enter a title, but if you don’t have any ideas, just leave it blank and click Done when prompted by FilmyTv’s website. Once added, this button will appear on the home screen of your device as well as on devices that support widgets (like iPhones).
5. Enter your name and click done.
Enter the name of your app, and press Done to save it. The button will appear on the home screen of your device This Filmymeet 2022 site is the most popular site of all time for downloading Indian language Bollywood and Hollywood movies.
6. The button will appear on the home screen of your device
- Click on it to open the app
- Drag it to the dock
- Add it as a shortcut on your home screen
- Click this button anytime you want to watch new movies or series
- To get started, click this button anytime you want to watch new movies or series.
- You can also get started by clicking on this button.
- To create your own, you can go to the home page and click on this button. – You can also get started by clicking on this button.
Now you have successfully added 9xflix to your home screen. You can now watch all of the latest movies and series on 9xflix for free.