Is Fluorescent Sand a Scam or a Legit Stock Investment?

Fluorescent Sand is gaining a tremendous amount of exposure and excitement these days. Fluorescent Sand is the pet project of Ian King, a retired financial consultant.


Fluorescent Sand is gaining a tremendous amount of exposure and excitement these days. Fluorescent Sand is the pet project of Ian King, a broker, and retired financial consultant. Fluorescent Sand refers to the fibre optic networks that will be utilized during the 5G wireless network reinforcement. This phenomenon is corroborated by Banyan Hills Publishing, a retailer riddled with consumer concerns.

Fluorescent Sand is being advertised as a method for you to make fast profits and take part in the expected global 5G internet boom that is yet to be unveiled.  

Stephen Mollenkopf, Qualcomm’s CEO, predicts that this growth would result in sales of up to $12000 Billion. Due to this sand, 5G development is executed genuinely.

What is Fluorescent Sand?

Fluorescent Sand is a new trading strategy flaunted by a crypto-currency broker and Ian King, an expert. He believed a specific breakthrough in the visual segment would fuel all the millennium’s incredible technological advancements.

Fluorescent Sand

A book named “The $5 Stock Leading the 5G Revolution” has been written and published by Mr King. When you sign up for the newsletter, you will receive a book free of cost. While you cannot download an electronic version of it yet, you can have a physical copy shipped to your location. That’s not necessarily valid since you would still have to register for Automatic Fortunes access first. Mr. King is promoting a subscription to a newsletter he schemes containing financial-related topics.


Automatic Fortunes Subscription has many expected advantages. Subscribed users will get all the details they require in the members’ section of Automatic Fortune. If the economy is favourable or it’s about to plunge, you are going to have the details you require.

Ian King’s premium program is named Automatic Fortunes, basically a monthly newsletter with a few promotions. You can select three membership levels: Standard: $47, Premium: $79, Deluxe: $129, respectively. 

The service provides a strategy that advises you what to purchase, where, how much to exchange, and why. Also, email alerts to let you know when to make a move. The free offer is a promotional tactic utilized to lure you into their paid membership program.

Who is Ian King?

Ian King is a professional hedge fund trader featured in Forbes, Fox Business News, Cheddar, Yahoo Finance, Investopedia, Seeking Alpha, and Zero Hedge. Ian uses his four-step strategy to discover new technological trends in his Automatic Fortunes program to help investors profit before they become famous. He created the first crypto-investing digital tool of its type for the Investopedia Academy. 


Ian King and Banyan Hill Publication don’t consider this a technique of “getting rich fast” economic analysts give strong, analytics-driven suggestions and guidance driven on extensively studied business research. There is no assurance of the performance of stock investments.

Follow Ian King on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or send an Email for specific inquiries. Ian King’s Automatic Fortunes newsletter has structured retail prices based on the suggested facility’s quality.

Can you Make Money?

The President corporation is recommending that you engage in technologies leading to 5G. The financial industry is unpredictable and uncertain, and with 100 percent certainty, none of us can forecast what will unfold.

Several of the campaign promises in King’s discussion appear a bit far-fetched, writes John Defterios of “There’s no easy method of telling for sure that’s the path to success,” says Defterio. “A lot of people lost what they have in the share market, and much more.”

Scam or real?

Fluorescent Sand is nothing more than an abstract word promoting 5G networking infrastructure and its arrival earlier than later. 

Want a newsletter to remind you of all these details that you need to buy stock? 

Why not do your investigation and verify the efficiency? If you take in the history of disgruntled consumers in Banyan Hill, it’s not going to be difficult for you to conclude that this entire process is a camouflage scheme.

Things you Should Know.

Its team consists of so-called international finance specialists who can offer guidance about how to secure the money. The Fluorescent Sand maker, talented businessman Ian King, are amongst its employees.

Review the Better Business Bureau portal, and you’ll see an NR ranking. It has also been granted a poor ranking by most of its clients. The most prominent grievances involved fraudulent payments on client bank statements.

Banyan Hill & Agora’s asset management staff are experts in using creative words and labelling their ad plans for the newsletters. Like Automated Sales, any of those promotions would provide you with a “free” version of their book.

Simply pay the shipping charges and get outwitted to an annual newsletter premium service. The book is not available online, it is an actual product, and you must pay for the package.

Any Lawsuit on Fluorescent Sand?

Fluorescent Sand has no litigation, but its corporate firm, Agora Financial, has a few. The corporation is convicted of benefiting from the sale of misleading financial records. Here are several prominent examples of cases regarding Agora:

  • In 1995 Ginsburg filed a lawsuit against Agora alleging breach of federal and state securities rules.
  • In 2005, Lubin filed a case against Agora for violations of Maryland securities rules.
  • In 2003, SEC filed a complaint against Agora for profit from the sale of fraudulent financial records.


It is totally up to you whether you invest or not. You should check out some reviews containing Fluorescent Sand. Here you can check the review of Fluorescent Sand by nobsimreviews for a brief investigation. It shows a detailed analysis of Fluorescent Sand to help you decide.

It’s wise to turn to professionals, including Ian King, who have investment expertise. Not losing more than you can reasonably expect to lose is still a smart idea. After all, nobody can anticipate the stock market with 100 percent precision.

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