How Long Does a Crown Take?

Cosmetic Dentist

Dental crowns are an excellent option for those looking for a long-term dental solution. But, how long does a crown take? Well, the time it takes to complete a crown can vary depending on several factors, but we’ll discuss those below.

The good news is, getting crowns is relatively quick. You’ll receive a perfectly aligned smile within a short timeframe, compared to braces or aligners. With that said, continue reading below to discover how long you’ll have to wait for dental crowns.

The Initial Visit

The dental crown process from start to finish can range from two to three visits to your dentist. During the initial visit, your dentist will start by prepping the tooth that’ll get the crown. They’ll shape the tooth, so it can adequately hold the crown.

Once the tooth is prepared, your dentist will take impressions of it using dental putty or digital scanners. The impressions are then sent to a dental laboratory, where your permanent crown will be custom-made.

It’s important to know that your mouth’s condition may affect the time it takes to get dental crowns. If you have gum disease, or some other issue, your orthodontist may require you to get oral surgery first.

The Second Visit

The second visit is usually scheduled once your permanent crown is ready. During this appointment, your dentist will remove the temporary crown and clean the tooth thoroughly. They’ll then check the fit and appearance of the permanent crown.

Your dentist will make sure that everything looks good before cementing it into place. This process may require some adjustments to ensure that the crown feels comfortable and looks natural in your mouth.

The Third Visit

In some cases, a third visit may be necessary if adjustments need to be made to the permanent crown. This could be due to issues with bite alignment or aesthetics. Your dentist will carefully evaluate your bite and make the necessary modifications. Doing so will ensure that the crown functions properly and blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

The total time that it takes for dental crown treatment also depends on whether your dentist has an in-house laboratory. If they have an in-house lab, the process may be expedited since they can create the crown in a shorter timeframe.

However, if they work with an external dental lab, it may take longer. There’s usually a waiting period for labs to create the custom-made crown.

If you’re looking for an orthodontist to install dental crowns in Lexington, follow the highlighted link!

How Long Does a Crown Take? Your Question Answered

How long does a crown take? To sum things up, you can expect to wait 1-2 weeks for your crown to get created. Depending on appointment availability, your visits may be stretched out over a few weeks.

On the bright side, each visit shouldn’t last more than an hour. And, as mentioned above, the timeframe for this type of dental work is much shorter than for braces.

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