How Should You Use Net Banking?

To use net banking, you as a customer must hold an active bank account along with net banking credentials. Net banking refers to a digital service offered by financial institutions.

How Should You Use Net Banking?

Net banking refers to a digital service offered by financial institutions to you as a customer that permits you to conduct a variety of distinct banking activities online like paying bills, transferring funds, and checking out the account balances. To use net banking, you as a customer must hold an active bank account along with net banking credentials. 

Net banking provides many benefits including the potential to conduct advanced banking-linked activities, high convenience, and comfort without the requirement for approaching the bank branch physically. However, it is crucial for you to be aware that Internet banking is performed on an online platform, which may be vulnerable to malicious activity, digital fraud, and hacking. Thus, it is necessary for you to use the Internet banking service responsibly and follow all the safety guidelines to protect your financial info and accounts. 

So, if you hold a net banking account of Union Bank of India, UCO bank, or any other bank, before using them for Union Bank of India mini statement fetches or finding UCO bank balance check number, you must ensure to be aware that the online safety measures are met too to avoid any hacking. Here in this blog, discussed are how you can use net banking appropriately and tips on how you can remain safe while using the same. 

Top measures you must know regarding how to use net banking?

While there are zero sure-shot means of safeguarding yourself from digital problems; however, you can follow the listed measures to lower the digital impact.

Keep your passcode strong 

It is recommended to form strong passcode. 

The passcode must be formed by using numeric, alphabets, special characters, upper case, and lower case.
It is advised to keep the usage of personal details like date, name, phone number, date of birth, etc., minimal. 

Form the habit of constantly changing your passcode periodically. 

It is looked upon as a good idea to keep the passcode written on the cloud, Google Keep, or a secret diary. 

Always keep your passcode secretive and never ever share the same with anyone. 

 Review account 

Never skip reviewing your net banking. 

Make sure to check out your passbook on a periodic basis. 

In the case of viewing any suspicious or fraudulent activity, instantly connect with the bank at the earliest. For instance, if you view any fraudulent activity in your UCO bank account linked with your bank balance, then you must find out the UCO bank balance check number and instantly call upon the same and report your issues. 

Two-factor verification 

  • With the rising number of frauds taking place over the digital mode, financial institutions now provide two-factor verification during the Internet banking account opening procedure. 
  • Ensure you input the registered phone number to get the OTP. 
  • The code or the OTP received on your registered phone number stays valid for a very short time period. So, ensure you input the received OTP as soon as possible.

 Log-out practices

  • Always log out post-completing your bank transactions or other banking chores or activities. 
  • Never leave your banking account unattended. 

Use secure connections

  • You must resist making use of public WIFI or any public internet networks to connect with your net banking. 
  • It is recommended to always make use of private and secure network connections. 
  • You must look carefully in case your net banking site begins with HTTPS.
  • Make sure your financial institution’s net banking site has any lock symbol mentioned in its address bar. A lock bar on the address bar means that all your information and data are encrypted and will get converted into an unreadable date before it is transferred. 

Read: Top 5 Digital Banking Apps in 2022

 Banking notifications 

 Go for email and mobile alerts whenever a transaction or any banking activity happens via mobile or net banking.

  • Keep the customer care number or bank assistance number available to you. 
  • In the case of detection of any fraudulent or malicious activity, instantly connect with the financial institution and stop the same instantly. 

 Email scams 

  • Financial institutions never ask you to give them your passcode or any other crucial banking details over email, call, or SMS, hence, ensure to beware of such spammy or malicious emails. 
  • In the case of any complaint, financial institutions always connect with you personally and authenticate before starting the procedure. 
  • Avoid responding to any phishing-linked emails. 

 Antivirus software 

  • Make use of the best antivirus software for safeguarding your personal details. 
  • Update your software periodically. 

 Update operating system 

  • Ensure to continuously update your operating system.
  • Do not skip the suggested updates from your device. 
  • Ensure to install the current version of the OS or operating system to keep all your data and information protected. 

 Official Internet banking site

  • Always make use of the official Internet banking site of financial institutions. 
  • Do not log in to the net banking site via any 3rd party site.
  • Avoid making use of the automatic login option as automatic features store your passcode and login details. 

How can you activate your Internet banking service?

 A few financial institutions issue a customer ID when opening an account while others permit you to form a user ID when you activate your Internet banking account. For activating the Internet banking account, ensure to follow the steps mentioned below. 

  • Visit the bank’s site. 
  • Hit on the register or login button. 
  • Input the required account details like mobile number, account number, CIF number, and branch code. 
  • Hit on the option ‘submit’.
  • Authenticate the identity by inputting the OTP sent on your mobile number registered with the bank account. 
  • Create your user ID and passcode. 
  • Reinput your Internet banking credentials, to begin with, your financial institution’s online services. 

Ending note :

Digital networks currently are vast with numerous numbers of information about organizations, companies, and individuals. This makes it a little challenging to safeguard your data from malicious threats. But it is possible if you use authorized websites, legal practices, and the practices mentioned above.

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