Vaping has been trending quite a lot among the youths of this generation. It is said to help with cutting back on smoking cigarettes and has been proven to be effective in doing so. However, there are certain differences between smoking a cigarette and vaping.
Being a cigarette smoker is far different from vaping due to distinct differences. No direct nicotine is burnt from tobacco, and the chemical content and exposure to tar and carbon monoxide are significantly low, among several other differences.
Therefore, if you vape does that make you a smoker? Well, vaping can not be considered the same even though they are about as similar as they can get. Hence, they are different, and you can not be considered a smoker.
Are Vaping And Cigarette Smoking The Same?
Vaping and cigarette smoking can not be identified as the same. Although it is true that vaping does help contain the urge to smoke cigarettes and is labeled to be a safer and healthier alternative, it is not the same as smoking. Both cigarettes and e-cigarettes or vapes contain nicotine that is mostly responsible for detrimental health effects, but the way the nicotine is delivered differs.
Vapes do not create or produce any combusted smoke. In fact, these e-cigarettes contain a liquid that has flavor infused in them that needs to be heated up in order to deliver nicotine. The heating up process of this flavored liquid ensures much safer delivery of nicotine to the body that does not cause half as much damage as smoking conventional cigarettes would.
Although it may not be as harmful as smoking, vaping can cause long-term health issues if not controlled or monitored. Vaping has quickly become the go-to way for a smoker to quit smoking cigarettes due to containing fewer toxins while delivering the same effect.
Unlike vape, with conventional cigarettes, you need to burn tobacco for it to release the nicotine and help it deliver through the body. Thereby offering a similar taste and feeling as cigarette smoking would. Except, vaping contains far fewer chemicals, toxins, nicotine, and tar in it. Therefore, making them both highly different from one another and keeping you from being labeled a “Smoker.”
Does Vaping Prevent Health Issues?
Vaping is the go-to way to help a smoker quit smoking cigarettes. While it can be considered safe and minimally compromising one’s health, it can not be deemed any better over long-term use. Unlike tobacco, you are not burning through the tobacco to release the nicotine, making it better and superior to cigarettes.
However, you still do end up delivering nicotine to your internals. Depending on how frequently you smoke and your preferred strength and intensity of the flavored juice, this will inevitably lead to compromised lungs, livers, and other organs.
Unmonitored and excessive vaping has been known to drastically speed up the process of irritating the mouth and throat, leading to nausea and headaches. Breathing problems, asthma, and addiction are some of the most notable and definitive results of vaping.
Although the cloud of smoke created by vapes is quite huge and impressive, it is not nearly as dense or heavy as smoke from cigarettes is. That means these smokes don’t contain as much nicotine or harsh chemicals as traditional cigarettes.
Due to the clouds of smoke being so light and airy, people around you experiencing second-hand exposure are exposed to nicotine. However, the nicotine content is not as intense as it would be from cigarette smoke compared to that of a vape. Therefore, to an extent, vaping can be considered a safe alternative that causes minimum health issues.
What Makes Vaping Different From Smoking?
Being a vape user and being a cigarette smoker are two completely different things. There are several reasons why a vape user can not be the same as a cigarette smoker. The content in the vape is much different from a cigarette in terms of amount, quantity, and nature. Several other differences between these two activities draw a line differing between them.
Some of these evident differences are as follows –
Cost Efficient
There is no doubt that vaping is the most cost-efficient option compared to smoking cigarettes. The cost efficiency is impeccable and very noticeable because vaping is about 93% cheaper than smoking 20 cigarettes a day, 88% cheaper than 10 cigarettes a day, and 76% cheaper than 5 cigarettes a day. The amount you would spend on smoking cigarettes each day could save a surprising amount of money and give you a reason to reduce your cigarette consumption.
With vape, you will be required to spend the most on the device itself once only. Once you have the device, you will only be required to refill the flavored juice that can last you quite a while easily. However, the longevity of the flavored refill depends on how often you vape.
Minimum Chemicals
Vape-flavored liquids mostly contain glycerol, propylene glycol, and flavoring components. These are the common and basic components used in making cosmetics and foods and are deemed safe for consumption. However, the amount of consumption must always be monitored and remain under check. This is because, even though these ingredients are considered to be safe for consumption, they can leave behind imminent damage to your internals.
Even though it is safer than smoking cigarettes, it must not become an addiction. Long-term consumption and dependence on vapes can damage the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.
No Exposure To Tar Or Carbon Monoxide
Unlike smoking a cigarette, you will not be exposed to tar with vape. Vaping does not lead to any tar or carbon monoxide that can cause cancer and other fatal and terminal diseases. Since vape does not require tobacco burning, tar, and carbon monoxide production is non-existent.
The flavored vape juice is heated up just enough to provide a similar sensation and taste to a cigarette without compromising your health. Therefore, it does not cause as much damage to your lungs or livers. This also means your lungs and livers remain free from the toxin-filled sticky layer that can lead to cancer.
Bottom Line
Vaping has been up and rising even as a trend for many reasons. It is a safer and more reliable alternative to smoking cigarettes; it is cost-efficient and has no direct nicotine burning off of tobacco. While smoking cigarettes and vaping are similar, they are very different.
Due to certain differences between vapes and cigarettes, a user can not be labeled a smoker unless a cigarette is involved. Therefore, you no longer have to wonder if you vape does that make you a smoker? Well, clearly, it does not!