What Should You Do When You Are Experiencing Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common experience in both sexes although there are different types of hair loss for women and for men.

What Should You Do When You Are Experiencing Hair Loss


Hair loss is a common experience in both sexes although there are different types of hair loss for women and for men. Hair loss can either be temporary or permanent depending on what is causing your case of hair loss. There are physical and psychological factors that cause hair loss which is why it can either be a life-long progressing case of hair loss or experience for only at a certain point in your life.


Here is a list of the possible causes of hair loss:

  • Hormonal changes and underlying medical conditions
  • Medications and supplements
  • Family history or heredity
  • Radiation therapy on the head
  • Stress
  • Hairstyle and Treatment


  • Sudden loosening of hair
  • Patchy and circular bald spots
  • Thinning of hair on top of the head
  • Patches of scaling appearing all over the scalp
  • Full-body hair loss

When you start to notice that you are experiencing losing too much hair every day, it is necessary to evaluate first whether it is a serious case of hair loss since according to the American Academy of Dermatology, the normal number of hair strands to lose every day is 50 to 100 hairs.

1. Gauging the severity

It is important to determine how severe the hair loss you are experiencing is. This can be done by running your hand through your hair and evaluating whether it is thinner than it used to be. More so, you will have to observe how many hairs you find in the drain when you take a shower. Also, notice how many hairs are left behind or shed when you comb your hair. Additionally, one of the ways to gauge your hair loss is by observing your hairline.

2. Knowing what type

There are different types of hair loss. It is important to know what type you have in order to determine the most suitable treatment program. Here are the types of hair loss:

  • Telogen Effluvium

It is the increase in the hair you shed or the diffuse thinning of your hair over your whole scalp.

  • Alopecia Areata

It occurs as one or more small bald spots appearing on the scalp. It moves, multiplies, and grows.

  • Alopecia Totalis/Universalis

It is hair loss that is experienced not only in the scalp but also over the entire head and body.

  • Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss. It can be observed as a receding, hairline, general thinning on top of the head, or a bald spot on the crown.

3. Treating your hair loss

Your next and last step is to treat your hair loss. Treating your hair loss may require treating the underlying health condition you have if it is the cause of your hair loss. However, there are different types of treatment such as medication, hair transplant, and laser therapy. The most effective medications are known to be Finasteride and Minoxidil. It is important to have a consultation first to know what type of treatment is suitable for your type of hair loss and your health status.

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