What Are Your Dental Options for a Cracked Front Tooth?


You’re in the bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror with your cracked front tooth. You’ve checked multiple times to make sure that it’s not really cracked but it just needs a little cleaning — undeniably, it is cracked!

Now the question on your mind is what can be done about this?

The first thing that you need to do is consult with a dentist. For sure, they’ll give you some options to help you restore your healthy smile.

To learn what you can do about your cracked front tooth keep reading.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a dental procedure that fixes a cracked front tooth by application of a composite resin, such as white porcelain, to the tooth surface. The resin is applied and sculpted to the shape of the surrounding teeth and cured with a special light. The composite resin is then permanently bonded to the tooth to create a strong, natural-looking bond.

It can be used to correct discoloration, minor cracks or chips, and minor misalignments. Dental bonding is a relatively simple and quick procedure and can be an effective alternative to more expensive and involved dental treatments, such as veneers or crowns.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a popular dental option for patients who have a cracked front tooth according to this dentist who does high-quality teeth whitening in Valencia CA. Veneers are used to cover up the tooth for improved aesthetics and strength. They are often made of porcelain, which is strong and long-lasting.

Veneers are thin shells that are applied to the front of the tooth, typically in one visit. When applied correctly, they can cover up the cracks in the tooth, and blend in with the rest of your smile.

Veneers are a great choice for those who want to enhance their smile without braces. They are custom-crafted to fit your tooth perfectly and the entire process usually takes a few weeks to complete. To find the best professional, make sure to look into it if they have a specialization in restorative dentistry.

Dental Crowns

If you have a cracked front tooth, one of your dental options is to get a dental crown. A dental crown is a cap that is shaped like a tooth and is placed over one’s tooth and held securely in place with dental cement. A crown is typically recommended to support weakened teeth and protect them from fracturing further.

It is custom-made to fit the shape and size of your existing tooth and can be fabricated from various materials such as porcelain, metal, or a combination of the two. Once the crown is placed, it will look and feel just like a natural tooth. A crown is a great option if you’re looking to restore the look and function of a cracked front tooth and prevent further damage from occurring.

Fixing a Cracked Front Tooth

The best dental option for a cracked front tooth would ultimately depend on the severity of the fracture. If the crack is minor, a dental filling may be sufficient. If a more severe fracture, bonding or a crown may be the best treatment choice.

You can also avoid these issues with a good dental care routine. In any case, it is important to consult a licensed dentist for a professional diagnosis and treatment plan. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today to discuss your tooth fracture!

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