How Do I Find an Affordable Bankruptcy Attorney?

Bankruptcy lawyers are specialists in cases related to the declaration of insolvency. In this article, we intend to go through the basics of finding an affordable bankruptcy attorney in TN.


Bankruptcy lawyers are specialists in cases related to the declaration of insolvency. It is pertinent that you find an experienced attorney to represent you in your bankruptcy case as it requires a great deal of expertise. Also, most general practitioners are not fit to represent you in this regard.

Being bankrupt is a vulnerable state that requires prudent decisions and gestures. Hence, it would be best if you took your time to find an attorney that won’t make costly mistakes when handling your case. In this article, we intend to go through the basics of finding an affordable bankruptcy attorney in TN that won’t compromise your case.

An affordable bankruptcy attorney doesn’t necessarily translate to low quality. Most attorneys in this category recognize your situation’s sensitiveness; hence, they choose to help you come out on top of your challenge. The following are some ways you can find an affordable attorney to represent you in your trying time.


One of the most effective ways of finding an attorney in this category is to get someone with experience in this regard. What we mean is someone that has had an encounter with these kinds of lawyers. Get in touch with them as quickly as possible. If they are not specialists in bankruptcy cases, they most likely know someone that is. Hence, reach out to family members or any colleague that knows a bankruptcy lawyer in the past. There’s a high probability that they are still in business.

Specific plans

There are specific group plans that offer affordable legal aid. If you have an active subscription with them, get in touch and find out if they have bankruptcy experts. If they don’t, they’ll most likely get you a referral.

Bar associations

You can find an affordable bankruptcy attorney from your state’s bar association’s list of lawyers provided. Most of these associations keep an updated list of all practitioners in their region according to specialty. Hence, get in touch with them and see if they can provide one. However, you must verify the expertise and experience of these lawyers.

The Internet

What can’t you find on the internet? There are several directories online that provide a list of lawyers according to location, area of expertise, fee, and methodology. You can go directly to the bankruptcy lawyers section to find anyone of your choice. You should ensure that you verify any information you get from these directories.

Legal assistance schemes

The government funds several legal aid centers that offer various legal help to insolvent citizens. You can enter one of these offices and ask for the bankruptcy section. It’s rare to find one that offers these kinds of services, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

Visit a legal clinic

You can find an affordable bankruptcy attorney from legal clinics in several law schools. Some of these centers offer free services, especially to low-income clients. You can get in touch with any center near you to verify if they’re available.

How Do You Know You Have A Good Affordable Attorney For Your Case?

We mentioned earlier that getting an affordable bankruptcy attorney does not mean you will be represented inadequately. Truly, you might be insolvent, but you should endeavor to be prudent when selecting an attorney.

As a start, a good affordable attorney ensures that all their clients are attended to equally. It doesn’t matter if you became insolvent from a company that’s worth a few hundreds of dollars. You will be treated the same as someone that owns a multi-billion dollars corporation. This is because everyone is the same in the eyes of the law, and you deserve to be treated with utmost respect and attention.

Secondly, a good affordable attorney will not add to your financial burden. You’re already bankrupt, and you need all the help you can get. They won’t be the type to come out to drain you.

In addition, a quality attorney in this category will explain all your options to you in clear terms. They will make regaining your financial freedom a priority and help you cross the hurdles at hand. Your attorney will also help you decide if declaring bankruptcy is the only solution in sight. They’ll also support you after you’ve filed your case. This is because they care about your overall well being and are interested in bringing you up. They’ll also offer free advice and counsel on how to avoid a repetition in the future.

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