Predict Your KCET and Start Your Preparations Accordingly

Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) Your KCET Ranking will finally determine your likely Engineering stream and college of admission.


The selection process for admissions to B. Tech, B. Arch, MBBS  for 2021-22 is delayed. The good news is that Life is fast returning to normalcy (affected earlier due to Covid-19 pandemic-related restrictions). 

Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA), Students, and Parents are working together to complete this process so that aspiring students’ studies and future careers are not affected. 

With the document verification process completed and the eligibility list out, Karnataka Examination Authority will shortly commence the counseling process. Accordingly, students and parents in Karnataka are busy preparing to secure their dream choice of Engineering stream and the Institution of study. 

How to crack KCET 2021

With competition increasing by the year, Entrance tests, the process of choosing the engineering stream, and college admission procedures can all seem a difficult mountain to climb. Adequate preparation is, therefore, a must for achieving desired results with minimum stress. As it is said, “Good Preparations means Half the Job done.” 

Based on feedback from students, parents, and experts from their previous years of experience in Entrance Tests- Counselling-Course & College choice-Admission. 

Below are recommended specific steps that can go a long way in ensuring your preparations are simple, planned, and result-oriented.  

Step # 1: Based on your interest & aptitude, you would have already decided on your preferred Engineering stream. Accordingly, you will have narrowed it down to the college that, in your opinion, provides the best education and study environment for that course, along with giving good placement opportunities.  

Step # 2: Find out your estimated KCET Rank from the KCET Result Predictor. This handy tool helps you get a reasonable idea of your estimated Rank, and therefore possible options on a combination of engineering courses and college to choose. Knowing your projected rank is very useful, as it will help you plan better and make required preparations to get your desired  Engineering seat. 

Step # 3: Karnataka state has some of the best Engineering Colleges in the country. Make a shortlist of Engineering colleges from which you are likely to choose one best suited for your preferred Engineering stream.

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Step # 4: Your college choice is typically influenced by your preferred engineering stream and academic, Infrastructure, and Placement related factors.  These days there are so many Websites, Books, Magazines, etc., which provide details of college Ranking and related information. This information is useful but can be confusing at times. Therefore analyze College ranking information from these sources, but importantly verify and update it by conducting your research.

Step # 5: The research on the best colleges for your preferred stream of engineering is best done on location. If possible, visit the shortlisted colleges to get a first-hand feel of what each of these institutes offers. 

Step # 6: Plan and do this when you visit the shortlisted colleges 

  1. Talk to a few students and if possible also talk to your friends and contacts who have recently studied there
  2. Find out the following information from the college:
  • Faculty – No, Avg. Qualifications, Experience
  • Quality of Teaching
  • Placements- % age of students placed, Packages offered Participating Companies.  
  • Class, Laboratory, and Library Infrastructure
  • Industrial Visits undertaken
  • Guest Lectures by Industry experts
  • Academia-Industry Interactions
  • Students Projects & Research projects undertaken and financed by Industries, Premier R & D Institutions. 
  • Co-curricular activities

Step # 7: Based on the above research, draw up your Preferences Options  – that indicate your preference for a combination of your preferred Engineering stream and the best possible college for that stream. This will enable you to make an informed best choice, depending upon your KCET Rank. 


                    Option 1: Computer Science – College A

                    Option 2: Computer Science – College B

                   Option 3: Computer Science –  College C

                   Option 4: Information Science–College A 

(When your options are limited, if available, you can consider an alternative stream that is practically the same or is very close to your 1st preferred choice. E.g., Information Science and Computer Science) 

                   Option5: Computer Science – College D

Step # 8: It is generally advisable to prioritize your preferred Engineering stream and then the desired College, as this determines your future career, aligned to your aptitude and interest.

Step # 9: At this stage, it will be desirable to also talk to your classmates & friends and find out how they are preparing for KCET B. Tech admissions. Such consultations usually help provide points that can refine your research and options. 

However, if you are not comfortable with this consultation process or you feel that it can be potentially confusing, then skip this process, and make your decision based solely on your research and information collected. 

Step # 10: Keep options and preference Sheet ready, as you approach the actual Counselling date, whether online or in-person, at the Counselling Centre.

Step # 11: Use the Options Preference sheet to make your informed choice of engineering stream and college. 

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Step # 12: Once you have made your above final choice of Engineering seat, Remember the following important next steps:

  • Strictly follow the timeline given for completing the admission process
  • Go to the chosen college on a designated date, and complete the admission process promptly. Ensure all required documents and payments are submitted as stipulated. This may include a document of admission confirmation (if given by KEA), marks card-original & copies, fees payment, etc.
  • Find out when classes will start and any other process to be completed before course commencement, etc.
  • Now relax, and start mentally preparing for the commencement of the engineering course.  


Always remember that due to stiff competition, you may not get your desired college of choice. Sometimes due to limited options, you may have to, unfortunately, settle for a 2nd preferred Engineering stream. Your KCET Ranking will finally determine your likely Engineering stream and college of admission. Therefore it is good to always have a Plan-B & Plan-C, and importantly to be mentally prepared for it if the need arises.

Plan for the best, but be prepared for the 2nd best.”

Congratulations on having taken the initial steps to a career in Engineering/Technology. We wish you the very best as you embark on your Professional Course journey!

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