How to score high marks in JEE Mains Physics exam

JEE Mains Physics exam: Joint Entrance Examination or JEE MAINS is one of the most competitive exams for undergraduate exams in India.


Joint Entrance Examination or JEE MAINS is one of the most competitive exams for undergraduate exams in India. It is the preliminary exam to join engineering colleges and consists of three subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Physics, holding one-third weightage, can prove to be a make or break in the paper and eventually a gate to the most prestigious universities of the country. 

JEE Mains Physics exam

Hence, it’s crucial to give attention to Physics to ace the preparation of the subject and perform well in the JEE MAINS examination. Here are essential steps for the same,

  1. About the section- The JEE Mains exam has 90 questions, out of which 30 are allotted to the Physics section. The topics of the exam are covered in the academic syllabus of Physics in class 11th and class 12th. There are 22 chapters in total, and the syllabus can be downloaded for reference from the official website. The weightage of different topics is not explicitly stated anywhere. Still, from past resources, Current Electricity, Wave Optics, Modern Physics, Magnetic Effect of Electricity, and Rotational Dynamics are some topics that have had the highest weightage. The physics section will have two components- practical and theory. 
  2. Identify weaknesses and strengths- Keep giving sectional tests for each topic once you prepare any chapter. This can help you identify which case needs effort and which topic is relatively easy to grasp for you. 
  3. Improve weakness and Strengthen strengths– JEE Mains can be a challenging examination, and Physics can be a complex subject for several students. It is recommended to strengthen some of the most important topics in order to be confident about answering questions related to that topic. This way, the student can be sure of solving questions from the chapters they are confident in during the examination. It is suggested to improve weaknesses by giving more time to the said topics, to at least be able to solve medium-level questions. 
  4. Strategize smartly- The exam is not just a test of your knowledge, but it also tests your ability to strategize and solve the different sections. This can be done by referring to various examples to develop a robust strategy that can be applied to solve questions. Examples of sources include NCERT Exemplar, JEE Main Physics Important Questions, and past engineering exam questions.
  5. Note-taking- It is often said that note-taking is also an art. Hence, the quality of notes is often reflected in the retention of various concepts. Physics involves a lot of different formulas for every chapter. A formula sheet is a suggestion to compact the vast syllabus of the subject. 
  6. Take it one question at a time– While building the subject’s concepts, try to solve questions with a more considerable amount of time. For example- you may take up to three minutes to solve a question. This method can be adopted in order to challenge yourself to find the right solution yourself. Retention of an approach will be higher if the student is able to solve the question at hand themselves. Hence, give time to a single question, apply whatever you’ve learned in the question and try your best to solve it. With this approach, you can solve multiple questions with patience and commendable perseverance. 
  7. Tests and mocks- This is the most critical aspect of preparation. It’s vital to join a test series and give at least ten mock papers before the final examination. You can commence giving the tests once eighty to ninety percent of your syllabus is complete. Make sure to attempt the entire section at the specified time for the physics section and ensure that the time limit of sixty minutes is not exceeded at any cost. Since the JEE exam will be for three hours, it’s essential to be able to solve the Physics section in at least one hour. Once accuracy and approach are improved, time can then be further managed.
  8. Feedback mechanism- It’s crucial to have a feedback mechanism. The preparation will remain incomplete once one appears for the mock exams or section-wise papers unless the student goes over all the questions. To adopt the best approach to solve a question, it is recommended to revise all the answers, even if they are correct. This helps in continuously improving and thereby gaining a better understanding of the entire subject.
  9. Overcome feelings of overwhelm- Understanding the different concepts of physics can take time, and it’s natural to feel overwhelmed during your preparation. It’s important to remind yourself to keep taking breaks and continue preparing for the paper after that. Preparing with peers can help clarify doubts more efficiently and keep the morale high throughout the process. 
  10. Don’t forget to pay attention to detail– Sometimes, answers in a known topic can turn out to be incorrect as one might have overlooked a small fact such as the unit, power, or more of the question. Hence, it is recommended to be sure to read the question very carefully in order to minimize mistakes. A suggestion is to mark all the questions in which mistakes are made during preparation and determine the cause behind it- such as unclarity of the topic, hasty choice, incorrect approach, or technical error- marking another option. 
  11. Be consistent in your efforts– Physics is a subject that requires continuous and consistent revision and practice. It is recommended to have a disciplined schedule to make the most out of the time one has and optimize it. Regular hard work is sure to be reflected in results if combined with a regular feedback mechanism and strategy evaluation. 

Examinations test all your skills, including time management, discipline, resourcefulness, intelligence, problem-solving skills, and stress management. Play the paper to your strengths and focus on a balanced approach to have a more sustainable preparation journey. It is recommended not to miss out on any of the suggestions mentioned above and utilize your resources to the best and optimize results. It is rightly said that determination determines results!

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