Simple Skin Care Routine for Beginners

Simple Skin Care Routine for Beginners

Want to start a skincare routine? Before that…

There’s no one type of cleanser, one type of moisturizer or one type of toner… We all need to get to know our skin a little bit before choosing what products to use. It can be overwhelming scrolling through Sephora looking for a review from someone that may have the same skin type/problems as you.

Firstly, try leaving your skin bare for a few hours after taking a shower to see what type of skin you have. If it tightens and becomes flaky, you have dry skin. If it’s shiny or greasy, you probably have oily skin. If you have dry and oily skin in different places, you have combination skin. By figuring this out, you’ll be able to choose products that suit your skin and resolve any other skin concerns and goals you may have. Remember, healthy skin requires commitment, not a miracle.

If you have sensitive skin, any skin conditions, or you aren’t sure what type of skin you have, it’d be best to see a dermatologist that can help you out with the process of finding the right products. People with sensitive skin may be allergic to certain fragrances, dyes or chemicals that are found in a particular product.

Skincare isn’t always complicated. It can be therapeutic getting up in the morning and carrying out a familiar routine before heading out for a busy day. The 3 basic steps are cleansing, moisturizing and applying sunscreen (if you’re heading out).


For a beginner, it’s always good to go for a ‘you-can-never-go-wrong’ cleanser. Choose one that is fragrance-free, has little to no harsh chemicals, and contains properties that can restore and maintain your skin barrier. We all want a healthy bare face but it shouldn’t be too bare that you feel the cleanser strips off all the natural oils.

The rule of thumb with cleansing is to do it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Cleansing in the morning will get rid of the oil and sweat from your pillow and hair but can be substituted with water antiaging if your skin is too dry. Cleansing at night (very important) will remove not only the makeup and products you applied in the morning but also all the dirt and bacteria accumulated throughout the day.

For dry or sensitive skin

A cream-based cleanser is a more gentle option that is ideal for sensitive or dry skin. However, people with sensitive skin need to be more cautious with the ingredients such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide that may irritate the skin.

For oily or acne-prone skin

A gel-based cleanser contains sulfates which will be drying for the skin. This will help clean out pores and strip away excess oil. Most combination skin types react well to gel-based or mildly foaming cleansers.

For normal skin

Someone with normal skin would describe their skin as “not too dry and not too oily”. A neutral option that’s not likely to raise any concerns is a water-based cleanser or in fact, any cleanser that does not irritate on contact.


After cleansing, pat-dry your face with a clean towel and apply moisturizer. Typically, a fragrance-free and oil-free moisturizer would do the trick for beginners. Once you’ve identified what your skin needs, you can go on to choosing a moisturizer that contains ingredients that will simultaneously target specific needs such as brightening, anti-ageing or clogged pores.

Some people may think that slathering moisturizer on already oily skin will make it worse. However, cleansing without applying moisturizer after is what caused the overproduction of oil in the first place. Those with oily skin can seek out non-comedogenic moisturizers to avoid blocked pores or extensive breakouts.


All skin types need protection from the health-damaging effects of UV rays from the sun. Sun damage is one of the many causes of uneven skin tones and daily sun cream helps to prevent those effects. UV rays can hit you anywhere, whether it’s in your car or even if you’ve been in your room for the 7th day in a row (can you relate?).

For dry skin

A lot of sunscreens can be more on the drying side but luckily, there are moisturizing sunscreen lotions or creams that will quench your dry skin as well as protect it. You could even go for a 2 in 1 product that can be used as a sunscreen and a moisturizer at the same time.

For oily skin

Choose a light formula sunscreen that gets absorbed and gives a non-greasy, matte finish. A sunscreen containing avobenzone and oxybenzone should be a good choice of sunscreen for those with oily skin.

For normal skin

Congratulations! You’ve hit the jackpot for the number of sunscreens you’ll be able to try out. But still, look out for harsh ingredients.

Once you’re confident enough, go ahead and try out other serums, toners and masks here and there that you believe will help your skin. Rotate it in and out of your routine if you’re wary and always do your research before purchasing a product.

Summing up

As your skin continues to develop and evolve, the most important piece of information to remember is that it is normal and it can happen to anyone. If your skin-care routine seems less effective after a couple of months, you may have to try new products and find something else that works for your skin. When it comes to skincare, patience is a must. If you feel overwhelmed after countless tries, let yourself and your skin breathe and reset. If the product doesn’t show an immediate bad reaction and it feels right, give it a try for a couple of months before switching.

As with many things in life, staying consistent and trusting the process are key pieces of advice to produce great results. Searching for a new cleansing regimen can spark an inner excitement so go and start your journey!

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