The Benefits of Contract Lifecycle Management for Technology Firms

Benefits of Contract Lifecycle Management: In the current era, technology has taken over the business world by storm. There are many technology firms...


In the current era, technology has taken over the business world by storm. There are many technology firms that have cropped up to fill the gap of legacy corporations who were not able to adapt quickly enough to the ever-present digital world.

Benefits of Contract Lifecycle Management for Technology Firms

As such, these companies have a whole new ethos of disruption that needs to be attended to. To help the rise of these technology companies, new processes that are geared toward them have been created. One such process is contract lifecycle management.

Simply put, contract lifecycle management is the process of leveraging and standardizing legal agreements. This can be done digitally through the use of contract management software. Using the Contract Management Platform, technology firms can virtually draft, negotiate, approve, and track the KPIs of the contract to make sure that both companies are in compliance with the details of the contract.

Contract Lifecycle Management

Within contract lifecycle management, companies can upload standard contracts to a central repository. Technology firms are likely familiar with the concept of cloud storage, but the process of contract lifecycle management takes it a step further than platforms like Dropbox. Uploading the boilerplate contract to a contract management software, the contract be altered and viewed by both parties as per the specific needs of the technology deal that is taking place.

Aside from this, companies can also create access controls and make certain parts of the contract visible to certain parties. For example, an employee might need to have access to a specific part of a contract to ensure compliance of the other company at play, but they may not need access to the whole contract.

The purpose of contract lifecycle management, therefore, is to gauge the efficacy of a contract and make sure that it is negotiated fairly by both parties, who can track access and changes across the contract during any stage of the process.

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Using a data-driven method that many technology firms are likely familiar with, both companies who are involved in the contract can use customized reporting to track the performance of the contract using specific criteria that is listed.

This criteria includes commission rates, business territory, or even renewal term lengths, and can be used by technology firms to make well-informed decisions on the efficacy of the contract. Furthermore, technology firms can use the metrics provided by contract lifecycle management to renegotiate any deals to be more to their favor once the contract term lengths have expired.

As you can see, there are numerous benefits of contract lifecycle management, particularly when it comes to its use by technology firms. As technology firms are often making deals with intangible digital assets at play, it is of huge benefit to them to make sure that their contracts are created and enforced properly. The KPIs of the contract may be digital, and they may be intangible, but the contract makes sure that any data sharing is compliant with the standards that both companies have set out to create within the contract.

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