How to Clean Up a Shattered Window Without Hurting Yourself

How to Clean Up a Shattered Window Without Hurting Yourself

Are you looking for the best way to clean up a shattered window without getting injured?

Sometimes, some events shatter windows. And while they may be fixable, they need special care in cleaning them up and not getting hurt in the process.

But what is the proper way to do this? We’re here to help you out. Read on as we provide some insight into your best routes of action when it comes to cleaning up a shattered window.

Focus on Safety

Before you dive into the cleanup process, focus on your safety. Put on appropriate protective gear.

This includes thick gloves, safety goggles, and long sleeves. These can reduce the risk of cuts or injuries from broken glass.

If the shattered window is in a high place or difficult to reach, consider using a stable ladder. This will ensure your safety while cleaning up.

Remove Large Glass Pieces

Start by carefully removing the larger glass pieces from the shattered window frame. Use a dustpan and broom to sweep up these fragments, placing them into a sturdy trash bag.

Be cautious and gentle when handling the glass, as sharp window glass edges can easily cause injuries. It’s a good idea to double-bag the glass to prevent any punctures.

Vacuuming the Area

Once you’ve cleared the bigger pieces, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to clean up the smaller glass fragments. Ensure that the vacuum is set to a low suction setting to avoid damaging the flooring or the vacuum itself.

Go over the entire area, including nearby surfaces and crevices. This is to make sure that you’ve picked up all the tiny glass shards.

Use Tape for Tiny Glass Splinters

Even after vacuuming, some tiny glass splinters may remain on the floor. To capture these stubborn bits, wrap a piece of duct tape or masking tape around your hand, sticky side out.

Then, gently pat it on the affected areas. The tape will effectively lift the remaining glass shards, making your space safer.

Clean and Disinfect

After removing all visible glass fragments, it’s time to clean and disinfect the area thoroughly. Mix a solution of warm water and mild dish soap.

Then, use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe down the affected surfaces. This should include the window frame and surrounding area. Rinse with clean water and dry with a fresh cloth.

To ensure a sanitized environment, follow up with a disinfectant spray or solution. This will help remove any potential bacteria or germs that were introduced during the cleanup process.

Some may find this process difficult to pull off. Fortunately, you can always check out websites like for assistance.

Clean Up a Shattered Window Without Hurting Yourself

A shattered window can cause a lot of damage. Taking precautions like wearing gloves and using a vacuum will ensure you clean up broken glass safely.

Get creative and take your time to make sure you put your space back together. Contact an expert if ever you feel overwhelmed by the task at hand.

Now that you’ve read this article, you should have all the info you need. If you’re looking for more tips and tricks, make sure to check out some of our other posts.

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