Common Rideshare Safety Concerns Reach New Heights As Incident Tally Increases

Three people lost their lives after a rideshare car and pick-up truck collided head-on in the New South Wales Hunter region of Australia on Sunday, 17 January 2020.


Three people lost their lives after a rideshare car and pick-up truck collided head-on in the New South Wales Hunter region of Australia on Sunday, 17 January 2020. The driver of the truck, as well as the rideshare driver and his female passenger, were declared dead on the scene. The first passenger’s husband was taken to hospital in a critical condition. According to local police inspector Guy Guiana, the fact that a head-on collision took place confirms that one of the vehicles was in the wrong lane. The accident came at a time where a global concern about the safety of rideshare services reached new heights, thanks to an increase in road accidents and other security concerns.

Not all drivers were created equal

Ridesharing is skyrocketing in popularity, with nearly 78 million people making use of the Uber app alone during the third quarter of 2020. With such a drastic increase in users, it is only natural that the number of rideshare drivers has been boosted as well. For every good rideshare driver on the road, there is, unfortunately, believed to be at least one other that cannot be considered a good driver. Not only do these drivers have an increased risk of being in a road accident, but they can also make their passengers feel extremely unsafe and uncomfortable, both of which will earn them an undesired rating.

Accidents are a major concern

Apart from being potentially-deadly, accidents involving rideshare vehicles also tend to be financial and legal nightmares. Some rideshare providers even go as far as to state in their terms and conditions that they will not be held liable for any accidents a passenger may be involved in. Obtaining professional legal representation is, therefore, vital if you seek to obtain damages from the negligent parties, and a specialist Uber accident lawyer is trained in investigating these cases. They will fight for your right to fair compensation for everything from lost wages and pain and suffering, to emotional distress and rehabilitation costs.

Users are still getting into the wrong vehicles

One of the biggest safety concerns of using a rideshare app revolves around users getting in the wrong vehicle. This is particularly common when a user is under the influence of alcohol. When a number of people are all waiting for their rides in the same location, the chance of a mix up occurring is even higher. While there are many respectable drivers who value the safety of their passengers, there are also sadly those who may take advantage of solo female passengers, in particular, who have climbed into the wrong ride. In order to keep safe while making use of a rideshare service, it is recommended that women never travel alone, and that frequent users request drivers they are familiar with.

Ridesharing has made commuting considerably easier. Unfortunately, there are a number of concerns that need to be addressed to decrease road accidents and compromised personal safety.

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