Ideas for useful accessories for electronic cigarettes


Electronic cigarettes are becoming more and more popular. Along with the growing popularity, the interest in liquids and e-cigarette accessories is also growing. Therefore, in this article, we want to present some useful accessories for electronic cigarette smoking enthusiasts.

5 gift ideas for an electronic cigarette user

First of all, it is worth mentioning that, usually smokers like “silicone case” where e-cigarettes, chargers and liquids can be conveniently and neatly stored. As a rule, we take e-cigarettes with us to the city, to work or to universities. Carrying one and its accessories in a pocket is not very convenient or handy, so investing in a tasteful case is an excellent solution.

Secondly, don’t forget the charger. As a rule, the charger is simply a mini or micro USB cable and a wall plug (for example 230V). USB charging allows you to charge the device even when there is no outlet nearby. You can use a computer/laptop or a power bank for this. In addition to such ordinary chargers, sometimes it is worth looking at car chargers. Certainly, charging an e-cigarette in the car is a very convenient solution for people who spend a lot of time in the car on a daily basis.

Third, consider getting spare mouthpieces. As you know, smoking involves the frequent putting of an e-cigarette into the mouth. After some time, it is necessary (for hygiene reasons) to replace the mouthpiece. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a few spare ones at home and, then if necessary, a new mouthpiece can be quickly attached.

Fourth, as you know, you will need to replace the batteries from time to time. This is how it works with batteries as, unfortunately, they do not last forever. Therefore, it is worth having a spare battery at home. Thus, if the battery unexpectedly stops charging there is still a way to smoke an e-cigarette. Apart from the fact that the batteries simply do stop working, sometimes users simply want to replace the battery with a larger one so that it can last longer on a single charge bubblers.

Fifth, MOD repair kits are popular accessories that are often given as gifts. As a rule, such repair kits include pliers, tweezers, screwdrivers, scissors, and many other elements.

Electronic cigarette accessories DIY ideas

Of course, accessories are not only typical accessories but also individual parts for “MODs”. Interestingly, in e-cigarette stores you can buy a lot of elements that make up the e-cigarette, therefore, in the event of a fault, many things can be repaired by yourself.

Popular parts include tanks, clearomizers, coils, airflow control valves, and many other elements that every e-cigarette DIY enthusiast will appreciate. You can find more ideas here:

In addition to everything mentioned above, it should also be noted that smokers still have a choice of dozens of liquids, which means that they can buy not only accessories but also liquids in various flavors.

To sum up, there are many ideas for small or larger accessories for electronic cigarettes. It is worth noting that many people like to replace individual components of their e-cigarette, so we can see that smoking can be not only a pleasant addiction but also a hobby for a DIY enthusiast!

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