Why And How To Purify Water At Home?

Why And How To Purify Water At Home? Lime, pesticides, pollutants, and lead are all residues that affect the taste and quality of tap water.


Lime, pesticides, pollutants, and lead are all residues that affect the taste and quality of tap water. Even if it undergoes a treatment allowing to eliminate the maximum of contaminants, there can always remain traces. Hence the importance of purifying your water, whether at home, traveling, or on vacation!

How to purify tap water naturally?

There are many natural tips that are effective in purifying water at home. Focus.

The Moringa seeds

Moringa seeds have the power to kill 90-99% of bacteria found in water. Indeed, they contain proteins. When mixed with water, these substances trap impurities. Moringa seeds are available as a ready-to-use powder. Zoom on the steps to follow to purify 1 liter of water:

  • Pour the water into a jug
  • Add 50 g of moringa seed powder
  • Leave on for 30 minutes, stirring the water regularly
  • Filter with clean gauze

Moringa seed residue can then be recycled in the garden

The Binchotan

This vegetable activated carbon absorbs chemical and/or harmful molecules that can contaminate tap water. In addition, it releases minerals beneficial to health, including magnesium. Here’s how to use it:

  • Immerse a Binchotan charcoal stick in a carafe filled with water (2 liters maximum)
  • Let stand at least 8 hours before consuming the water

A charcoal stick is used for about 3 months for daily use. Beyond that, it is necessary to reactivate its filtering capacity for an additional 3 months. The technique is simple:

  • Immerse the charcoal stick in boiling water for 10 minutes
  • Let it dry

The ceramic beads

Composed of pure clay, ceramic beads are reusable for life. They neutralize lime and chlorine. To naturally purify tap water, all you need to do is:

  • Immerse 15 ceramic beads in 1 liter of water
  • Wait 30 minutes

How do you turn dirty water into clean water?

Polluted water is a health hazard. The good news, there are many solutions to purify it and consume it in peace. The choice depends on individual needs and budget.

Boil water

Bringing water to a boil is a simple and effective way to kill parasites, viruses, and bacteria. This easy trick helps make it drinkable when purification systems fail. It is also intended for those who travel abroad or live in regions where the quality of tap water is questionable.

Warning! To kill the microorganisms in the water, it is important to boil it for about ten minutes. In addition, it is necessary to filter it if it contains impurities.

Install an osmosis unit at home

Discreetly, the osmosis unit is installed under the sink. It is made up of several filters that do not use any chemicals. The water passes through:

  • A sediment filter that retains large particles, from mud to dust, including sand
  • A carbon filter that removes chlorine, pesticides, and organic matter that alter the taste or smell of water
  • An osmotic membrane that removes 98% of the remaining impurities, from chlorine to limestone, including nitrates, bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals

RO water is healthier and tastier. Invest in one of the top 10 RO water purifier in India.

Bet on tap water filters

These filters are installed directly on the ring of an existing faucet. They purify the water using a carbon cartridge which effectively removes:

  • Nitrates
  • Chlorine
  • Heavy metals
  • Certain pesticides

Their main drawback? Faucet filters retain little lime.

Regarding the life of the cartridge, it takes between 1,000 and 1,200 liters of filtered water before replacing it, i.e., the equivalent of 3 months of use.

Opt for portable water purifiers or filters

Looking for tips for purifying the water while traveling or hiking for a few days? The ideal is to take a filter gourd with you. Fast and efficient, this device makes freshwater suitable for consumption. The filter straw is also an excellent alternative.

How to improve the taste of water?

Does tap water taste bad? This can be caused by chlorine or lime, as the hardness of the water varies depending on the region. In all cases, different solutions make it possible to obtain water that is more pleasant to drink.

The air

With a little patience, it is possible to improve the taste of water. To do this, simply let it sit in the open air for 24 hours in an uncovered container such as a pitcher. Since chlorine is volatile, it will evaporate.

Another easy solution to mask the taste and odor of chlorine, perfume water in the pitcher by adding fresh mint or a few drops of juice lemon.

The filter jug

The filter jug ​​is the perfect ally for those who want to drink tap water without the strong taste of bleach. It is equipped with filter cartridges capable of removing chlorine, lime, nitrates, pesticides, and heavy metals. Warning! To continue to consume pure water, maintenance should not be neglected. The cartridge should be replaced regularly. It is also recommended to clean the carafe at the same time. No need to invest in expensive chemicals! The carafe can be easily washed with water and washed up liquid or white vinegar. It only remains to rinse it to find it like new!

Note that the use of a filter jug ​​helps to protect various household appliances from the formation of scale. The result is that the kettle lasts longer.

The water softener

The softener filters the water to reduce its lime content, which improves its taste. Another advantage of it is that it makes the water less hard and prolongs the life of the taps, pipes, and household appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, coffee maker, etc.). Installing a softener on the water inlet also makes it possible to find a softer cloth while making glasses and plates shine.

The refrigerator

Here’s how to effectively remove the taste of chlorine:

  • Pour tap water into a carafe without a lid
  • Leave in the open air for 3 minutes, while the chlorine evaporates
  • Place the carafe in the refrigerator for 1 hour or in the freezer for 30 minutes

Last advice, after a prolonged absence, it is recommended to let the tap water run for about 1 minute before drinking it or using it in the kitchen.

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