Two Ways A Psychiatric Evaluation Will Support Your Detox Program


You’re on your way to detox from alcohol or drugs and now you’ve stopped to think about your mental health. That’s a good decision, as your mental health has a significant impact on your ability to stay healthy and free from alcohol and drugs.

Throughout your recovery journey, you’ll speak with counselors, therapists, and psychiatrists, all of whom have the same goal: to assess your mental health and determine how to treat you so you’ll discontinue your use of drugs and alcohol. If you’re ready for a detox program, keep reading so you know why a psychiatric evaluation is relevant to your detox program.

A prior psychiatric evaluation influences your treatment

Whether you’ve been diagnosed in the past or simply have reported troublesome symptoms, a prior mental health history will impact the medications you use during detox, as well as the services you’ll receive after you finish your detox program. Doctors will monitor you throughout detox, checking to see if previous symptoms have changed or if new symptoms are more critical to address than those before.

According to Health Grades, mental illnesses like schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and those categorized as anxiety disorders can change your personality. If you once received a Major Depression diagnosis but later endured intense trauma, a psychiatrist with the detox team will want to focus your treatment on PTSD and coping with trauma, especially if you’re headed to rehab later and have a lot of talking to do.

After all, the substances in your system will also impair your personality, potentially leading to resistance to treatment. Once you arrive in detox, change this outcome by being open and honest regarding your mental health. You’ll see that doing so makes it easier for a psychiatrist to conduct a psychiatric evaluation.

A psychiatric evaluation requires lab testing

Some drugs for mental illness require blood work to detect changes in your body. Upon entering detox, a psychiatrist may want to request lab work and diagnostic testing to determine the impact alcohol and drugs have on your kidneys, heart, and other vital organs. Your psychiatrist may not want to introduce a new medicine into your detox program until they’re sure it won’t hurt your body. Urine samples, blood work, EKGs, and MRIs can determine the way alcohol and drugs are poisoning your body.

According to Medline Plus, blood work not only diagnoses conditions and checks your organ functioning, but it also helps a doctor see how well your immune system is working and why the information is important. Alcohol can cause scarring of healthy liver cells and drug abuse can lead to brain damage, so that should be enough to deter you from continuing alcohol or drug abuse.

If not, the lab testing that comes with a psychiatric evaluation will show you a proof; now’s the time to rid your body of harmful toxins. Speak about your prior mental health history with your doctor so you can receive the best mental health care possible.

Your body needs a rest from the poison and detox is the best way to make that happen. Detox services provide people addicted to drugs or alcohol with a more healthy life as the toxins leave the body. Mental health plays a significant role in determining how alcohol and drugs have harmed your body. Talking about your prior mental health symptoms, taking a new medication, and getting required lab testing done will all help your doctor on board your detox team comes up with a better treatment plan. If you’re ready to start a detox program and get your life back, view more information about detox treatment so you can make the progress you deserve.

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